
Results for "Cable Clamp" in Cable Ties and Fixings

HellermannTyton offers a wide range of high-quality cable ties and fixings, including various types of cable ties such as standard, releasable, heavy-duty and detectable zip ties. HellermannTyton cable ties withstand the most extreme environmental conditions and fulfill the most up to date requirements for cable ties and cable tie systems. Zip ties are offten developed in close cooperation with customers, always trying to go beyond technological limitations.

2,882 products

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50 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT33UHFC-SP/SS316L-BK 111-01518
25 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT43UHFC-SS316L-BK 111-01519
25 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT49UHFC-SS316L-BK 111-01520
50 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT27XHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01505
50 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT33XHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01506
25 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT43XHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01507
25 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT49XHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01508
25 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT60XHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01509
50 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT27UHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01521
50 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT33UHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01522
25 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT43UHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01523
25 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT49UHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01524
25 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT60UHDFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-01525
100 pcs.
Black (BK) MLT8SSC10-SS316L/SP-BK 111-91001
1500 pcs.
Natural (NA) PLUG11-PA66HIRHS-NA 151-00485
500 pcs.
Black (BK) Open Plug 42x84-PA6HIR-BK 151-00391
450 pcs.
Black (BK) Open Plug 55x70-PP-BK 151-00392
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
400 pcs.
Black (BK) OPEN PLUG 34.6x112-PA66HIR-BK 151-00394
2000 pcs.
Grey (GY) PLUG5.5-PA6HIR-GY 151-00401
Blindplugs are available in different dimensions and materials.
Cover Plug 32-EPDM-BK 151-00424
1500 pcs.
Black (BK) Cover Plug 32-EPDM-BK 151-00424
1000 pcs.
Beige (BGE) PLUGFT6XL-PA66HIR-BGE 241-00016
Dual pipe clip secures two routings together while keeping them separated, to prevent chafing or heat transfer.
PC4X1-5X1-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 151-02451
10000 pcs.
Black (BK) PC4X1-5X1-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 151-02451
50 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13B90OS50M10-PA66-BK 151-02984
50 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC10S40.5M6-PA66-BK 151-02979
800 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13S60.5M10-PA66-BK 133-04362
500 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC22S40.5M12-PA66-BK 151-02608
500 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13OSL20.15M10-PA66-BK 151-02617
600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC22OSR60.5M10-PA66-BK 151-02619
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13BC9-PA66-BK 133-03492
500 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC10BC20.2-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02622
600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC19BC25-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02625
600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC10BC25-PA66-BK 133-03496
3000 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC6BC9-PP-BK 133-03488
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
2000 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC6BC16-PP-BK 133-03490
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC6S40.5M8-PP-BK 151-02641
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
500 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC6B90OS50.5M6-PP-BK 151-02643
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
350 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC6-10-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02713
1100 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC10-13-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02689
760 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC10-16-PP-BK 151-02683
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
25 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT49XHD-SS316L-ML 111-01310
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT27XHD-SS316L-ML 111-01307
25 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT43XHD-SS316L-ML 111-01309
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT27UHD-SS316L-ML 111-01312
25 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT43UHD-SS316L-ML 111-01314
25 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT60UHD-SS316L-ML 111-01316
10 pcs.
Metal (ML) AMT15L16SB-SS316L-ML 111-00331
10 pcs.
Metal (ML) AMT15H16SB-SS316L-ML 111-00342
100 pcs.
Metal (ML) MAT24SS7-SS316-ML 111-92240
500 pcs.
Black (BK) PLUG5.5-PA6HIR-BK 151-00399
2500 pcs.
Black (BK) PLUGFT7-PA6HIR-BK 151-00414
500 pcs.
Brown (BN) PLUGFT6XL-PA46-BN 151-00428
500 pcs.
Natural (NA) PLUGSFT8.4-POM-NA 151-01114
Black (BK) BPFT6LG-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-03315
Dual pipe clip secures two routings together while keeping them separated, to prevent chafing or heat transfer.
PC6.5X2-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 133-03187
3000 pcs.
Black (BK) PC6.5X2-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 133-03187
Triple pipe clip secures three routings together while keeping them separated, to prevent chafing or heat transfer.
PC5X3-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 133-03188
4000 pcs.
Black (BK) PC5X3-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 133-03188
600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC25OSR16.85M6-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02596
900 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13B90OS26.2M10-PA66-BK 133-03431
50 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC25B90OS50M10-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02986
600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC22OSL22.15M6-PA66-BK 133-03429
800 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC19OSL22.15M6-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02599
500 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC25OSR20.15M6-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02639
600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC22B90OS50M10-PA66-BK 151-02635
50 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC19B90OS50M10-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02985
800 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13R40.5M8-PA66-BK 133-03405
600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC22R40.5M8-PA66-BK 151-02633
850 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC10S40.5M10-PA66-BK 133-03427
900 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13S40.5M6-PA66-BK 133-03476
50 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13S40.5M6-PA66-BK 151-02980
250 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC16S40.5M10-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02603
50 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC16S60.5M6-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02981
700 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC19S60.5M10-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02605
600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC19S40.5M6-PA66HIRHS-BK 133-03478
50 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC19S40.5M6-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02982
600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC22S20.5M8-PA66-BK 133-03403
800 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC19S40.5M10-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02611
500 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC30S40.5M10-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02612
400 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC30S60.5M6-PA66HIRHS-BK 133-03421
25 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC30S40.5M6-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02983
350 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13B45OS21.3M8-PA66-BK 133-03391
400 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC10OSR16.85M10-PA66HIRHS-BK 133-03388
500 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC25OSR16.85M8-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02614
800 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC19OSL20.15M10-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02616
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC10OSL20.15M6-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02618
700 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC13B50OS15.75M6-PA66-BK 133-03482
500 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC25S60.5M10-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-02609
125 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC22S40.5M6-PA66-BK 133-03472
1600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC12AM6-PP-BK 151-02685
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
1600 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC10-13AM6-PP-BK 151-02686
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
800 pcs.
Black (BK) CDC6B90AOS8AM8-PP-BK 133-03395
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT20HS-SS304-ML 111-01942
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT27HS-SS304-ML 111-02346
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT33HS-SS304-ML 111-02347
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT33XHS-SS304-ML 111-95338
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT14XHS-SS304-ML 111-95148
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT20XHS-SS304-ML 111-95208
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT27XHS-SS304-ML 111-95278
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT33H-SS316-ML 111-01953
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT14UH-SS316L-ML 111-01301
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT20UH-SS316L-ML 111-01302
50 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT27UH-SS316L-ML 111-01303

Results for "Cable Clamp" in Cable Ties and Fixings

HellermannTyton offers a wide range of high-quality cable ties and fixings, including various types of cable ties such as standard, releasable, heavy-duty and detectable zip ties. HellermannTyton cable ties withstand the most extreme environmental conditions and fulfill the most up to date requirements for cable ties and cable tie systems. Zip ties are offten developed in close cooperation with customers, always trying to go beyond technological limitations.