
Heat Shrink Tubing

Heat shrink tubing is a simple and safe solution for insulation and protection of wires, cables, connections, terminals and components. It is a flexible tube that shrinks in diameter and increases in thickness when heated. In this way, it shrinks tightly around the cable or connector and provides excellent insulating properties. A variety of materials are available to meet specific technical requirements: polyolefin (POX), elastomer (PES), fluoropolymer (FPM), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), etc. Heat shrink tubing is available in many colours including "clear". Variants are thin wall, medium wall and thick wall tubings. Dual-Wall variants are also available; this term is used for heatshrinks that already include adhesive. Our shrink ratios range from 2:1 to 6:1.

2,663 products

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30 metre
White (WH) TFN31 39/13-PO-X-WH 333-42071
5 m
Green-Yellow (GNYE) TFN31-39.0/13-GNYE-PO-X-GNYE 333-42082
20 pcs.
Black (BK) TFN31-ST-1.5/0.5-PO-X-BK 333-41507
30 metre
Black (BK) TFN31 1.5/0.5-PO-X-BK 333-42000
30 metre
Transparent (CL) TFN31 1.5/0.5-PO-X-CL 333-42009
30 metre
Red (RD) TFN31 1.5/0.5-PO-X-RD 333-42018
30 metre
Yellow (YE) TFN31 1.5/0.5-PO-X-YE 333-42027
30 metre
Blue (BU) TFN31 1.5/0.5-PO-X-BU 333-42036
30 metre
Green (GN) TFN31 1.5/0.5-PO-X-GN 333-42045
30 metre
Green-Yellow (GNYE) TFN31 1.5/0.5-PO-X-GNYE 333-42054
30 metre
White (WH) TFN31 1.5/0.5-PO-X-WH 333-42063
200 m
Black (BK) TU28-1.6/0.8-PO-X-BK 300-06000
200 metre
Black (BK) TU28-2.4/1.2-PO-X-BK 300-06001
200 metre
Black (BK) TU28-3.2/1.6-PO-X-BK 300-06002
200 metre
Black (BK) TU28-4.8/2.4-PO-X-BK 300-06003
100 metre
Black (BK) TU28-6.4/3.2-PO-X-BK 300-06004
100 metre
Black (BK) TU28-9.5/4.8-PO-X-BK 300-06005
100 metre
Black (BK) TU28-12.7/6.4-PO-X-BK 300-06006
100 metre
Black (BK) TU28-19.1/9.5-PO-X-BK 300-06007
50 metre
Black (BK) TU28-25.4/12.7-PO-X-BK 300-06008
50 metre
Black (BK) TU28-38.1/19.1-PO-X-BK 300-06009
50 metre
Black (BK) TU28-50.8/25.4-PO-X-BK 300-06010
50 m
Black (BK) TU28-76.2/38.1-PO-X-BK 300-06011
3:1 shrink ratio tubing is ideal in many applications.
TCN34-3.2/1.1-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70132
20 m
Transparent (CL) TCN34-3.2/1.1-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70132
3:1 shrink ratio tubing is ideal in many applications.
TCN34-6.0/2.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70133
15 m
Transparent (CL) TCN34-6.0/2.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70133
3:1 shrink ratio tubing is ideal in many applications.
TCN34-9.0/3.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70134
10 m
Transparent (CL) TCN34-9.0/3.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70134
3:1 shrink ratio tubing is ideal in many applications.
TCN34-12.0/4.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70135
10 m
Transparent (CL) TCN34-12.0/4.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70135
3:1 shrink ratio tubing is ideal in many applications.
TCN34-18.0/6.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70136
5 m
Transparent (CL) TCN34-18.0/6.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70136
3:1 shrink ratio tubing is ideal in many applications.
TCN34-24.0/8.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70137
5 m
Transparent (CL) TCN34-24.0/8.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70137
3:1 shrink ratio tubing is ideal in many applications.
TCN34-39.0/13.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70138
5 m
Transparent (CL) TCN34-39.0/13.0-CL-PO-X-CL 300-70138
TFN41-19.1/4.6-PO-X-BK 309-00001
60 m
Black (BK) TFN41-19.1/4.6-PO-X-BK 309-00001
TFN41-25.4/7.0-PO-X-BK 309-00002
60 m
Black (BK) TFN41-25.4/7.0-PO-X-BK 309-00002
TFN41-38.1/9.5-PO-X-BK 309-00003
30 m
Black (BK) TFN41-38.1/9.5-PO-X-BK 309-00003
TFN41-50.8/14.0-PO-X-BK 309-00004
30 m
Black (BK) TFN41-50.8/14.0-PO-X-BK 309-00004
1 pcs.
Black (BK), Transparent (CL) ShrinKit 321-A-PO-X-BK/CL 380-03003
1 pcs.
Various (MIX) ShrinKit 321 Universal-PO-X-MIX 380-03002
ShrinKit 321 Basic.
ShrinKit 321 Basic-PO-X-BK 380-03001
1 pcs.
Black (BK) ShrinKit 321 Basic-PO-X-BK 380-03001
1 pcs.
Black (BK), Transparent (CL) ShrinKit 321-A Basic-PO-X-BK/CL 380-03004
1 pcs.
Various (MIX) ShrinKit 321 Universal Basic-PO-X-MIX 380-03005
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS 43-10-PO-X-BK 450-20000
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS 43-10-PO-X-BK 450-20001
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS 43-10-PO-X-BK 450-20004
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS 52-15-PO-X-BK 450-20010
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS 52-15-PO-X-BK 450-20011
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS 52-15-PO-X-BK 450-20012
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS 52-15-PO-X-BK 450-20014
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS52-15-BK 1500-PO-X-BK 450-20015
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS 76-22-PO-X-BK 450-20021
1 pcs.
Black (BK) RMS 76-22-PO-X-BK 450-20022
V9500 - VG 95343 approved 2K Epoxy Adhesive Cartridge.
V9500 Epoxy Cartridge-EP-BK 627-95002
1 pcs.
Black (BK) V9500 Epoxy Cartridge-EP-BK 627-95002
Two-component epoxy adhesive V9500.
V9500 Epoxy Kit-EP-BK/GY 627-95000
1 pcs.
Black (BK), Grey (GY) V9500 Epoxy Kit-EP-BK/GY 627-95000
150 metre
Black (BK) HFT-A-9.5/4.8-PO-X-BK 305-09500
1 metre
Black (BK) TREDUX-MA47-95/30-PO-X-BK 323-50950
15 pcs.
Black (BK) TA32-19/6-PO-X-BK 318-31900
60 metre
Black (BK) TR27-6.4/3.2-PO-X-BK 315-50640
60 metre
Black (BK) TR27-19.1/9.5-PO-X-BK 315-51900
15 metre
Green-Yellow (GNYE) TREDUX-6/2-PO-X-GNYE 319-00607
1 pcs.
Red (RD) HIS-3-12/4-PO-X-RD 308-31202
1 pc.
Transparent (CL) V9500 Applicator Nozzle-PO-CL 627-95040
1 pcs.
Black (BK) V9500 Epoxy Kit-EP-BK 627-95001
1 pc.
Black (BK), Grey (GY) V9500 kit-EP-BK/GY 627-95010
HMT200A-EVA-CL 354-02260
10 pcs.
Translucent (TT) HMT200A-EVA-CL 354-02260
30 m
Black (BK) TSA-200-TPC-BK 354-03000

Heat Shrink Tubing

Heat shrink tubing is a simple and safe solution for insulation and protection of wires, cables, connections, terminals and components. It is a flexible tube that shrinks in diameter and increases in thickness when heated. In this way, it shrinks tightly around the cable or connector and provides excellent insulating properties. A variety of materials are available to meet specific technical requirements: polyolefin (POX), elastomer (PES), fluoropolymer (FPM), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), etc. Heat shrink tubing is available in many colours including "clear". Variants are thin wall, medium wall and thick wall tubings. Dual-Wall variants are also available; this term is used for heatshrinks that already include adhesive. Our shrink ratios range from 2:1 to 6:1.