Pезултати за „Shipbuilding“ в Cable Ties, Releasable
Some releasable cable ties are designed to be used more than once, making them ideal when changes are expected or to be opened via the heading lock instead of the use of a side cutter. They are ideal for work on prototypes as they can easily be reopened to allow new wires being added to a bundle. Releasable cable ties can be purchased with tuckaway for fixing larger and heavier bundles. But they also are available with many other features: UV-resistance, one-hand release mechanism, magnetic detectable. Releasable zip ties come with inside, outside or without serration and are available in various colours, widths and lengths.
Pезултати за „Shipbuilding“ в Cable Ties, Releasable
Some releasable cable ties are designed to be used more than once, making them ideal when changes are expected or to be opened via the heading lock instead of the use of a side cutter. They are ideal for work on prototypes as they can easily be reopened to allow new wires being added to a bundle. Releasable cable ties can be purchased with tuckaway for fixing larger and heavier bundles. But they also are available with many other features: UV-resistance, one-hand release mechanism, magnetic detectable. Releasable zip ties come with inside, outside or without serration and are available in various colours, widths and lengths.
Скоба за кабелни връзки за ръбове: закрепете кабелите без пробиване
EdgeClip е решение за закрепване на кабели, което позволява гъвкаво прокарване на проводници, кабелни снопове, тръбопроводи и маркучи в различни индустриални приложения, включително автомобилната индустрия.
Кабелните връзки трябва да отговарят на редица изисквания, тъй като се използват в широк спектър от приложения - от простото свързване на кабели до много специфични приложения при екстремни условия.