
Cable Ties and Fixings

HellermannTyton offers a wide range of high-quality cable ties and fixings, including various types of cable ties such as standard, releasable, heavy-duty and detectable zip ties. HellermannTyton cable ties withstand the most extreme environmental conditions and fulfill the most up to date requirements for cable ties and cable tie systems. Zip ties are offten developed in close cooperation with customers, always trying to go beyond technological limitations.

7,562 products

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100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB150X4.6-SS316/EP-BK 111-50202
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB520X7.9-SS316/EP-BK 111-50257
Black (BK) CCOVAL-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 151-00925
50 pcs.
Natural (NA) LK5-PA66-NA 111-60519
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) H1P-PA66-NA 211-60019
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T120R-PA66-NA 111-00942
500 pcs.
Grey (GY) T50ROSFT6SD-PA46-GY 156-00085
100 pcs.
Black (BK) PE530-PA66-BK 112-53062
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T30LL-PA66-NA 111-03549
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50L-PA66-NA 111-05619
Black (BK) T50SSFM-PA66HS-BK 126-00328
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB200X7.9-SS316/EP-BK 111-50251
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T120I-PA66-BK 111-00958
25 pcs.
Natural (NA) T150M-PA66-NA 111-15619
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T18L-PA66-BK 111-01393
Natural (NA) SHT18R-PA66-NA 111-01700
100 pcs.
Black (BK) LK2A-PA66-BK 111-60110
100 pcs.
Black (BK) H3P-PA66HS-BK 211-60002
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB520X4.6-SS316/EP-BK 111-50209
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB300X7.9-SS316/EP-BK 111-50253
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB400X7.9-SS316/EP-BK 111-50255
50 pcs.
Natural (NA) T120L-PA66-NA 111-12429
50 pcs.
Black (BK) T120L-PA66HS-BK 111-12440
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T120M-PA66-BK 111-12610
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T18I-PA66HS-BK 111-02358
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T18R-PA66HS-BK 111-01250
500 metre
Black (BK) LTHT2E4BK-PET-BK 174-00024
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SNP4-PA66GF13-BK 190-00288
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T30LL-PA66-BK 111-00982
20000 pcs.
Black (BK) T30R-PA66-BK 111-01267
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCT50R-PA66MD-BU 111-00830
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCT120R-PA66MD-BU 111-01136
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCTS200-PA66MD-BU 111-01343
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCTS100-PA66MD-BU 111-01341
Natural with coloured tracer (NACTR) LCHT5A30NA-MPIA-NA 174-00230
100 pcs.
Black (BK) H6P-PA66HS-BK 211-60005
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
50 pcs.
Black (BK) MBT27HFC-SS316L/SP-BK 111-00297
100 pcs.
Silver-matt (MTSR) SST200X4.6-SS316-SR 111-50103
100 pcs.
Silver-matt (MTSR) SST200X7.9-SS316-SR 111-50151
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB250X4.6-SS316/EP-BK 111-50204
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB450X4.6-SS316/EP-BK 111-50208
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB840X7.9-SS316/EP-BK 111-50260
50 pcs.
Black (BK) SRT34011-TPU-BK 115-11349
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T30MR-PA66-NA 113-03019
500 pcs.
Black (BK) REL30SDP6-PA66-BK 150-55500
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
50 pcs.
Black (BK) T120L-PA66-BK 111-12403
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T18R-PA66HSW-BK 111-01199
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50RSFM-PA66-NA 111-85729
1000 pcs.
Grey (GY) T50RDHA5.5x15-PA46-GY 156-01203
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSEC20-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00834
100 pcs.
White (WH) T50R-PA66V0-WH 111-95019
50 pcs.
Natural (NA) KR8/33-PA66-NA 121-83319
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCT30R-PA66MD-BU 111-00829
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCTS150-PA66MD-BU 111-01342
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCTS300-PA66MD-BU 111-01399
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) CCOVAL6-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 151-01033
2000 pcs.
Silver (SR) BCATC4-PPS-SR 151-02177
100 pcs.
Black (BK) FKH25-PA66HIR-BK 151-16250
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) SNP12A-PA66GF13-BK 190-00255
100 pcs.
Black (BK) MAT16SSC7-SS316/SP-BK 111-92162
100 pcs.
Silver-matt (MTSR) SST300X4.6-SS316-SR 111-50105
25 pcs.
Red (RD) LR55R-PA66-RD 115-00003
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) REL250-PA66-NA 131-22519
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Black (BK) RELK2I-PA66-BK 115-06760
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSEC4B-PA66W-BK 156-01154
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50RFT6LG-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-31091
200 pcs.
Natural (NA) LK2-PA66-NA 111-60219
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50RFT6OVAL-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-37591
50 pcs.
White (WH) MB2A-PA66-WH 151-01801
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) MB4CAS-PA66-NA 151-28449
500 pcs.
Natural (NA) FH50-PA66-NA 151-61519
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Black (BK) PE400-PA66-BK 112-00018
25 pcs.
Black (BK) LFPC70-PO-BK 111-93000
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T120I-PA66W-BK 111-12160
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T120M-PA66-NA 111-12619
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB600X7.9-SS316/EP-BK 111-50258
100 pcs.
Black (BK) SSFCTB250X7.9-SS316/EP-BK 111-50252
50 pcs.
Black (BK) T120L-PA66W-BK 111-12430
Black (BK) T30R-PA66HS-BK 111-01460
HVSTRAP-PVC-BK 141-12540
25 m
Black (BK) HVSTRAP-PVC-BK 141-12540
HVSTRAP-PVC-BK 141-23410
25 m
Black (BK) HVSTRAP-PVC-BK 141-23410
NYSTRAP-PA66-NA 141-20089
50 m
Natural (NA) NYSTRAP-PA66-NA 141-20089
Perforated strap PF.
PF8-PVC-BK 141-00100
1 pc.
Black (BK) PF8-PVC-BK 141-00100
Perforated strap PF.
PF12-PVC-BK 141-00101
1 pc.
Black (BK) PF12-PVC-BK 141-00101
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) PF-PP-BK 141-00102
100 metre
Brown (BN) SI Band-SI-BN 253-19101
Lacing cords, WN-Series.
WN-50-PA-NA 174-00300
130 metre
Natural (NA) WN-50-PA-NA 174-00300
1000 m
Natural (NA) LOH1NA-PA66HTM-NA 174-00231
1000 m
Black (BK) LOH1BK-PA66HTM-BK 174-00233
1000 m
Natural (NA) LOH2NA-PA66HTM-NA 174-00235
1000 m
Black (BK) LOH2BK-PA66HTM-BK 174-00237
500 m
Natural (NA) LOH3NA-PA66HTM-NA 174-00239
500 m
Black (BK) LOH3BK-PA66HTM-BK 174-00240
500 m
Natural (NA) LOH4NA-PA66HTM-NA 174-00223
500 m
Black (BK) LOH4BK-PA66HTM-BK 174-00224
500 m
Natural (NA) LTHT1B3NA-PA66-NA 174-00020
LTHT1B2NA-PA66-NA 174-00229
250 metre
Natural (NA) LTHT1B2NA-PA66-NA 174-00229
250 reel
Natural (NA) LTHT3A4NA-PTFEHTM-NA 174-00011
Natural (NA) LTHT3A2NA-PTFEHTM-NA 174-00012
500 m
Natural (NA) LCHT4D11NA-GF/PTFE-NA 174-00022

Cable Ties and Fixings

HellermannTyton offers a wide range of high-quality cable ties and fixings, including various types of cable ties such as standard, releasable, heavy-duty and detectable zip ties. HellermannTyton cable ties withstand the most extreme environmental conditions and fulfill the most up to date requirements for cable ties and cable tie systems. Zip ties are offten developed in close cooperation with customers, always trying to go beyond technological limitations.