Výsledky pro "pvc electrical tape/page/2?query=pvc electrical tape" v Non-Metallic Conduit Systems
Non-metallic conduit systems are a type of cable protection system that utilize non-metallic materials, such as PA6, flame retardant PA6-FR, PA12 and PP, to encase and protect electrical cables and wiring. They improve resistance to impact or other threats like chemical exposure, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. Conduits are also available as double-slit for easy retrofit. Fittings come in a variety of shapes such as straight, 90°, 45°, T, Y and flange. Threads include fixed metric and PG threads and external/internal swivel brass threads. Fittings with strain relief and cable sealing are also available.
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Výsledky pro "pvc electrical tape/page/2?query=pvc electrical tape" v Non-Metallic Conduit Systems
Non-metallic conduit systems are a type of cable protection system that utilize non-metallic materials, such as PA6, flame retardant PA6-FR, PA12 and PP, to encase and protect electrical cables and wiring. They improve resistance to impact or other threats like chemical exposure, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. Conduits are also available as double-slit for easy retrofit. Fittings come in a variety of shapes such as straight, 90°, 45°, T, Y and flange. Threads include fixed metric and PG threads and external/internal swivel brass threads. Fittings with strain relief and cable sealing are also available.
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