Rezultate pentru "2-piece fixing ties with pipe clip/page/2?query=2-piece fixing ties with pipe clip" în Insulating tubes
Insulating tubes are commonly used in many industries such as electrical, automotive and construction. By protecting cables from heat, moisture and chemicals, insulating tubes safeguard electrical and mechanical systems. HellermannTyton offers insulating sleeves in many different colours lengths, diameters and wall thicknesses. Their insulating properties vary depending on the material and thickness of the tube.
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Rezultate pentru "2-piece fixing ties with pipe clip/page/2?query=2-piece fixing ties with pipe clip" în Insulating tubes
Insulating tubes are commonly used in many industries such as electrical, automotive and construction. By protecting cables from heat, moisture and chemicals, insulating tubes safeguard electrical and mechanical systems. HellermannTyton offers insulating sleeves in many different colours lengths, diameters and wall thicknesses. Their insulating properties vary depending on the material and thickness of the tube.
Tub termocontractabil
Căutați tuburi termocontractabile care să îndeplinească cel mai bine cerințele aplicației dumneavoastră? Proprietățile unice și specifice ale tuburilor noastre termocontractabile sunt factorii cheie cărora le datorăm succesul.