Results for "Heat shrinkable tubing adhesive lined/page/2?query=Heat shrinkable tubing adhesive lined/page/2?query/page/2?query=Heat shrinkable tubing adhesive lined/page/2?query=Heat shrinkable tubing adhesive lined/page/2?query" in Metallic Conduit Systems
Metallic conduit systems provide robust physical protection from mechanical damage even in tough environments. This makes them perfect for demanding industrial, commercial and residential installations. Conduit systems come in a variety of types and sizes. HellermannTyton offers flexible conduits (galvanized steel and SS316 stainless steel) with high resistance to pressure, high tensile strength and impact strength. Variants include metallic conduits with PVC, PA6 or polyolefin (PO) coverings. Fittings range from stainless steel (SS316) and nickel-plated brass IP54 fittings and IP65 compression fittings (metric and PG).
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Results for "Heat shrinkable tubing adhesive lined/page/2?query=Heat shrinkable tubing adhesive lined/page/2?query/page/2?query=Heat shrinkable tubing adhesive lined/page/2?query=Heat shrinkable tubing adhesive lined/page/2?query" in Metallic Conduit Systems
Metallic conduit systems provide robust physical protection from mechanical damage even in tough environments. This makes them perfect for demanding industrial, commercial and residential installations. Conduit systems come in a variety of types and sizes. HellermannTyton offers flexible conduits (galvanized steel and SS316 stainless steel) with high resistance to pressure, high tensile strength and impact strength. Variants include metallic conduits with PVC, PA6 or polyolefin (PO) coverings. Fittings range from stainless steel (SS316) and nickel-plated brass IP54 fittings and IP65 compression fittings (metric and PG).
Metal conduits
Metal conduits from HellermannTyton: Standard metal conduits, coated metal conduits, liquid tight metal conduits and matching metal conduit fittings. Discover now!