Výsledky pro "MBT Series/page/2?query=MBT Series" v Protective Tubing and Spiral Binding
Protective tubing refers to a flexible tubular wrap used to encase and shield individual cables or wire bundles. It provides an extra layer of protection against abrasion ensuring the longevity and integrity of the cables. It also improves organization of cable bundles, strain relief, and protection against tangling, making it easier to manage and route the cables effectively. HellermannTyton offers a variety of spiral cable organizers in a wide range of diameters, colours and materials. The different kinds of spiral tubes come with many features such as high abrasion resistance, high temperature resistance and flame retardation.
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Výsledky pro "MBT Series/page/2?query=MBT Series" v Protective Tubing and Spiral Binding
Protective tubing refers to a flexible tubular wrap used to encase and shield individual cables or wire bundles. It provides an extra layer of protection against abrasion ensuring the longevity and integrity of the cables. It also improves organization of cable bundles, strain relief, and protection against tangling, making it easier to manage and route the cables effectively. HellermannTyton offers a variety of spiral cable organizers in a wide range of diameters, colours and materials. The different kinds of spiral tubes come with many features such as high abrasion resistance, high temperature resistance and flame retardation.
Svazkovací spirály, spirály na kabely
Od standardních svazkovacích spirál pro kancelářské použití přes nehořlavé svazkovací spirály až po tepelně a chemicky odolné svazkovací spirály pro průmysl: Prohlédněte si zde naše portfolio.