Rezultatov iskanja za "2-Piece Fixing Ties with Pipe Clip/page/2?query=2-Piece Fixing Ties with Pipe Clip" v tej kategoriji / Cable Ties Outside Serrated
Outside serrated cable ties are the ideal choice when bundling sensitive cables, wires and hose as the smooth surface on the inside protects against indentation, while offering high tensile strength and low insertion force. They are available in various lenghts, colours and materials. Outside serrated cable ties come with many different features such as temperature and chemical resistance. Especially popular are outsides serrated zip ties with 90° angled head and low profile head because they are ideal for use in restricted spaces.
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Rezultatov iskanja za "2-Piece Fixing Ties with Pipe Clip/page/2?query=2-Piece Fixing Ties with Pipe Clip" v tej kategoriji / Cable Ties Outside Serrated
Outside serrated cable ties are the ideal choice when bundling sensitive cables, wires and hose as the smooth surface on the inside protects against indentation, while offering high tensile strength and low insertion force. They are available in various lenghts, colours and materials. Outside serrated cable ties come with many different features such as temperature and chemical resistance. Especially popular are outsides serrated zip ties with 90° angled head and low profile head because they are ideal for use in restricted spaces.
Sponke EdgeClip za montažo na robove: pritrjevanje kablov brez vrtanja
Sponka EdgeClip predstavlja rešitev za pritrjevanje kablov, ki omogoča fleksibilno napeljavo kablov, kabelskih snopov, kablovodov in cevi v najrazličnejših industrijah, vključno z avtomobilsko.
Kabelske vezice morajo dandanes ustrezati najrazličnejšim zahtevam, saj se uporabljajo za izjemno raznovrstne namene: od preprostega povezovanja kablov do izjemno specifične uporabe v najtežjih pogojih.