Rezultatov iskanja za "fibre" v tej kategoriji / Clips, Clamps and Plugs
Cable clips are used to secure cables and wires to surfaces such as desks and walls. Clamps are larger than clips and designed to hold multiple cables and wires together. Connector Clips are used to connect electrical cables and wires to electrical or wire connectors. Blind plugs are used to close holes. Clips, clamps and plugs all come in various shapes, sizes and materials. As different industries have different needs, clips and clamps come with all sorts of features. Some are closed others are open or can be reopened - for maintenance, subsequent installations or exchanges for example.
Rezultatov iskanja za "fibre" v tej kategoriji / Clips, Clamps and Plugs
Cable clips are used to secure cables and wires to surfaces such as desks and walls. Clamps are larger than clips and designed to hold multiple cables and wires together. Connector Clips are used to connect electrical cables and wires to electrical or wire connectors. Blind plugs are used to close holes. Clips, clamps and plugs all come in various shapes, sizes and materials. As different industries have different needs, clips and clamps come with all sorts of features. Some are closed others are open or can be reopened - for maintenance, subsequent installations or exchanges for example.
Sponka z ragljo "Ratchet P-objemka" za montažo kablov in cevi
Svojo ponudbo kovinskih in plastičnih kabelskih sponk smo dopolnili z vsestranskim novim izdelkom: Ratchet P-Clamp. Zaradi inovativne zasnove omogoča pritrjevanje vodnikov, kablov ter mehkih in trdih cevi na istem mestu, in to v dveh ločenih korakih. Monterjem in vzdrževalcem se ni več treba mučiti z nerodnim držanjem snopa in sponke v eni roki, medtem ko ju z drugo poizkušajo pritrditi.
Iščete način, kako varno pritrditi kable ali vodnike? Naša plastična držala za kable so enostavna za namestitev in pridejo v poštev skoraj povsod. Več o tem ...