Rezultatov iskanja za "connectivity" v tej kategoriji / RFID tags and cable ties
RFID tags, cable ties, labels, security seals and other identification elements enable easy RFID tracking and identification and data management. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an intelligent solution for the identifying, serializing, securing and tracking of products in a variety of sectors and industries, as well as in harsh environments. RFID technology is used in many different applications including inventory management, resource management, electrical inspections, processing and maintenance routines. The portfolio includes standard nylon cable ties, metal detectable cable ties, stainless steel cable ties and security seals, available with integrated low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID transponders. We also offer RFID markers, hard tags and RFID labels, available with high frequency (HF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID chips.
Rezultatov iskanja za "connectivity" v tej kategoriji / RFID tags and cable ties
RFID tags, cable ties, labels, security seals and other identification elements enable easy RFID tracking and identification and data management. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an intelligent solution for the identifying, serializing, securing and tracking of products in a variety of sectors and industries, as well as in harsh environments. RFID technology is used in many different applications including inventory management, resource management, electrical inspections, processing and maintenance routines. The portfolio includes standard nylon cable ties, metal detectable cable ties, stainless steel cable ties and security seals, available with integrated low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID transponders. We also offer RFID markers, hard tags and RFID labels, available with high frequency (HF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID chips.
Kabelske vezice z RFID-transponderji: pametna identifikacija
Pri družbi HellermannTyton že dolga leta proizvajamo široko paleto izdelkov za identifikacijo – tako s človeku berljivimi oznakami kot s črtnimi kodami. Ponudbo izdelkov za identifikacijo in vodenje inventarja družba HellermannTyton zdaj zaokrožuje z novo paleto transponderjev in drugih RFID-pripomočkov za upravljanje kablov. Vezice so še posebej primerne za privezovanje, serializacijo, sledenje in identifikacijo izdelkov na področjih upravljanja z viri, električnih inšpekcij, spremljanja inventarja, distribucijskih storitev in izposoje, pa tudi za poenostavitev vodenja vzdrževalnih del in popravil.
Iščete način za učinkovito sledenje in spremljanje sredstev in zalog? Rešitev je sistem Auto ID, z izdelki, kot so etikete in oznake, ki omogočajo potisk, kabelske vezice z RFID-tehnologijo, robustne oznake in programska oprema za pripravo etiket.