
Cable Ties Inside Serrated

Inside serrated cable ties are designed to bundle and secure wires, cables, hoses, pipe bundles and more with an extra strong hold. Ath the same time, only a low insertion force is needed which in combination with a bent tail design ensures a simple and quick installation. Inside serrated zip ties come in a wide range of high-quality materials, lenghts, widths and colours. They are available with many different features such as UV-resistant, heat stabilised, high-impact resistant, fire protection, chemical resistance or metal and x-ray detectable. Inside serrated cable ties can therefore be used in almost every industry.

1,902 products

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100 pcs.
Black (BK) T150L-PA66-BK 111-15402
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T150M-PA66-BK 111-00124
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T150M-PA66HS-BK 111-15609
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T150XL-PA66HS-BK 111-15510
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18L-PA66-NA 111-02029
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T18L-PA66V0-BK 111-02044
White (WH) T18L-PA66V0-WH 111-01557
100 pcs.
Grey (GY) T18R-PA66-GY 116-01818
100 pcs.
Green (GN) T18R-PA66-GN 116-01815
1000 pcs.
Brown (BN) T18R-PA66-BN 111-01849
1000 pcs.
Green (GN) T18R-PA66-GN 111-01855
1000 pcs.
Orange (OG) T18R-PA66-OG 111-01877
1000 pcs.
Red (RD) T18R-PA66-RD 111-01882
1000 pcs.
Purple (PE) T18R-PA66-VT 111-01888
1000 pcs.
White (WH) T18R-PA66-WH 111-01892
1000 pcs.
Brown (BN) T18R-PA66-BN 111-00645
100 pcs.
Orange (OG) T18R-PA66-OG 111-01934
100 pcs.
Violet (VT) T18R-PA66-VT 111-01935
100 pcs.
White (WH) T18R-PA66-WH 111-01936
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T18R-PA66HS-BK 111-01905
1000 pcs.
Red (RD) T18R-PA66HS-RD 111-01909
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18R-PA66V0-NA 111-01835
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T18R-PA66HSUV-BK 111-01916
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T18R-PP-BK 111-01917
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>ReSource highlights HellermannTyton products that are made from reccled waste or from virgin materials with relatively lower carbon emissions.
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T18R-PA11-BK 111-01718
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>EarthSource denotes HellermannTyton products made from polymers derived from abundant renewable plant-based sources or from the ground underneath.
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T18S-PA66HS-BK 111-02815
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18S-PA66HS-NA 111-00534
1000 pcs.
T18S-PA66HS 111-00977
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T250I-PA66-BK 111-00507
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T250M-PA66-BK 111-25001
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T250M-PA66UV-BK 111-00925
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T30L-PA66-BK 111-00945
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T30L-PA66W-BK 111-00437
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T30L-PA66W-BK 111-00947
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T150R(U)-PA66W-BK 111-15206
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T250S-PA66-BK 111-24700
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50IDH-PA66-NA 117-05303
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50LDH-PA66-NA 117-05402
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50LDH-PA66-NA 117-05461
50 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50LDH-PA66-NA 111-01390
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T50LDH-PA66HS-BK 117-05404
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50LDH-PA66HS-BK 117-00008
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50RDH-PA66-BK 117-05004
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50RDH-PA66-NA 117-05008
50 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50R-PA66-NA 111-01389
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T50RDH-PA66HS-BK 117-05010
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T120RDH-PA66-BK 117-05500
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SDH-PA66-BK 117-00018
200 pcs.
Natural (NA) LK2-PA66-NA 111-60219
100 pcs.
Black (BK) LK2A-PA66HS-BK 111-60150
100 pcs.
Black (BK) Q18R-PA66HS-BK 109-00088
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) Q50R-PA66-BU 109-00182
100 pcs.
Red (RD) Q50R-PA66-RD 109-00184
100 pcs.
Black (BK) Q50I-PA66HS-BK 109-00107
100 pcs.
Black (BK) Q50L-PA66HS-BK 109-00109
100 pcs.
Black (BK) Q120R-PA66-BK 109-00055
100 pcs.
Black (BK) Q120R-PA66HS-BK 109-00113
100 pcs.
Black (BK) GL300-PA11W-BK 111-01266
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>EarthSource denotes HellermannTyton products made from polymers derived from abundant renewable plant-based sources or from the ground underneath.
100 pcs.
Black (BK) GL150-PA11W-BK 111-01546
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>EarthSource denotes HellermannTyton products made from polymers derived from abundant renewable plant-based sources or from the ground underneath.
PAEK material has double the tensile strength than nylon.
PAT100R-PAEK-BGE 111-01670
100 pcs.
Beige (BGE) PAT100R-PAEK-BGE 111-01670
100 pcs.
Red (RD) MCT50L-PA66MD-RD 111-01167
100 pcs.
Yellow (YE) MCT50L-PA66MD-YE 111-01168
100 pcs.
Green (GN) MCT50L-PA66MD-GN 111-01169
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCTPP50L-PPMD-BU 111-01667
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCTRELK2M-PA66MD-BU 115-00113
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T30R-PA66-NA 111-03219
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50R-PA66-NA 111-04819
Natural (NA) T50R-PA66HS-NA 111-04855
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18R-PA66-NA 111-01929
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18R-PA66V0-NA 111-01481
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T30R-PA66W-BK 111-03260
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T120I-PA66-BK 111-12210
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50R-PA66-NA 111-05013
50 pcs.
Blue (BU) T120R-E/TFE-BU 111-01125
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50R-PA66HIR(S)-BK 111-04890
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCT50R-PA66MD-BU 111-00830
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T150R(H)-PA66W-BK 111-14860
100 pcs.
Black (BK) LK2A-PA66HIR(S)-BK 111-00127
Black (BK) T50R-PA66HS-BK 111-04901
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T30R-PA66-BK 111-03210
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50I-PA66HIR(S)-BK 111-00222
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T120R(E)-PA66-NA 111-12019
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T30R-PA66-BK 111-03034
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50R-PA66HIR(S)-BK 111-04891
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T120M-PA66-BK 111-12610
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T50I-PA66-BK 111-05216
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50L-PA66HIR(S)-BK 111-05441
1000 pcs.
Red (RD) T18R-PA66-RD 111-00658
The Allrounder: T-Series cable ties can be used for almost any type of application.
T18S-PA66W 111-00536
1000 pcs.
T18S-PA66W 111-00536
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T50R-PA66HSUV-BK 111-04907
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T30R-PA66-NA 111-00552
100 bag
Black (BK) T50R-PA66W-BK 111-04860
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18R-PA66HS-NA 111-01866
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCT50L-PA66MD-BU 111-00831
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50I-PA66-NA 111-05219
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50L-PA66W-BK 111-05710
500 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50R-PA66-NA 111-05014
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T80L-PA66W-BK 111-01693
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T150LL-PA66-BK 111-15700
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T150R(H)-PA66HS-BK 111-15050

Cable Ties Inside Serrated

Inside serrated cable ties are designed to bundle and secure wires, cables, hoses, pipe bundles and more with an extra strong hold. Ath the same time, only a low insertion force is needed which in combination with a bent tail design ensures a simple and quick installation. Inside serrated zip ties come in a wide range of high-quality materials, lenghts, widths and colours. They are available with many different features such as UV-resistant, heat stabilised, high-impact resistant, fire protection, chemical resistance or metal and x-ray detectable. Inside serrated cable ties can therefore be used in almost every industry.