
Cable Ties and Fixings

HellermannTyton offers a wide range of high-quality cable ties and fixings, including various types of cable ties such as standard, releasable, heavy-duty and detectable zip ties. HellermannTyton cable ties withstand the most extreme environmental conditions and fulfill the most up to date requirements for cable ties and cable tie systems. Zip ties are offten developed in close cooperation with customers, always trying to go beyond technological limitations.

8,441 products

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100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T30R-PA66HS-NA 111-03259
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18S-PA66-NA 111-02809
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50I-PA66HS-NA 111-00953
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18R-PA46-NA 114-01879
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18I-PA46-NA 111-00632
Black (BK) T50R-PA12-BK 111-01564
Bundle can rotate to any orientation, allowing routing in any direction regardless of mounting point.
T50SVCOC25-31-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-01343
250 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SVCOC25-31-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-01343
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T30RFT5-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-55850
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T30R-PA66HSW-BK 111-01211
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50L-PA66-NA 111-05619
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50M-PA66-NA 111-00956
500 pcs.
Natural (NA) SFC3-PA66-NA 151-01909
RT50SSF-PA66W-BK 115-00079
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Black (BK) RT50SSF-PA66W-BK 115-00079
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18R-PA66V0-NA 111-00961
50 pcs.
Natural (NA) KR8/33-PA66HS-NA 121-83355
100 pcs.
Grey (GY) YQR10016-PA66-GY 126-03000
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50R-PA66HSW-BK 111-01278
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T150M-PA12-BK 111-01752
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T120R(E)-PA66HIR(S)-BK 111-12032
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50RTM25-PA66HS-BK 157-01402
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SVCOC19-24.5-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-01341
100 pcs.
Beige (BGE) PT2A-PEEK-BGE 118-00032
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SOSEC13E-PA66HS-BK 126-00000
500 pcs.
Black (BK) PT2A-PA66HS/PA46-BK 151-06501
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50RSFM-PA66HS-BK 111-85720
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SSFM-PA66HS-BK 126-00032
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50I-PA66-NA 111-00951
50 pcs.
Natural (NA) T120L-PA66-NA 111-12429
500 pcs.
Black (BK) S3SB15CBM8-PA6GF30-BK 151-01010
Head design contains clamping rails to provide full circumferential compression around bundles
CCFT6LG-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-00785
5000 pcs.
Black (BK) CCFT6LG-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-00785
RT30SSF-PA66HS-NA 115-00070
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) RT30SSF-PA66HS-NA 115-00070
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
T50SMVCOC19-24.5-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-01342
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SMVCOC19-24.5-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-01342
Cable tie with edge clip.
T50ROSEC4A-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-76099
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSEC4A-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-76099
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T30R-PA66HS-BK 111-03050
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) MCT30R-PA66MD-BU 111-00829
T8RWPM3.5-PA66V0-WH 126-00206
500 pcs.
White (WH) T8RWPM3.5-PA66V0-WH 126-00206
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T18R-PA66W-BK 111-01960
Bundle can rotate to any orientation, allowing routing in any direction regardless of mounting point.
T50SVCOC15-18-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-01339
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SVCOC15-18-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-01339
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18R-PA66-NA 111-01919
100 pcs.
Black (BK) DCT11-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 115-00144
500 pcs.
Black (BK) REL30SDP6-PA66-BK 150-55500
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
500 pcs.
Natural (NA) T50SSFM-PA66-NA 126-00136
Natural (NA) T18L-PA66HS-NA 111-02069
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T80R-PA66-NA 111-05019
Cable tie with edge clip eliminates the need for drilling mounting holes, simplifying installation.
T50ROSEC5A-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-40591
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSEC5A-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-40591
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50RFT7-PA66HS-BK 111-85871
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50L-PA66HSW-BK 111-01226
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18L-PA66-NA 111-02119
2000 pcs.
Black (BK) LOC10-14FT6LG-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 151-01166
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T50MR-PA66-BK 113-05002
Two piece assembly allows the edge clip to slide along the cable tie strap to ensure proper orientation.
T18REC9SD-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 155-37104
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T18REC9SD-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 155-37104
2-piece fixing tie with edge clip 1-3mm, side fixing.
T50ROSEC21-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00010
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSEC21-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00010
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18RSF-PA66HS-NA 126-00416
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) T18R-E/TFE-BU 111-00659
5000 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SOSFT6E1-PA66HIRHS-BK 157-00033
2-piece fixing tie for edges 1 - 3 mm and harness routing on top parallel to the edge.
T30REC4A-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-76090
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T30REC4A-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-76090
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18R-PA66HS-NA 111-01959
T50SMVCOC15-18-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-01340
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SMVCOC15-18-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-01340
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T18L-PA66-BK 111-02110
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50IDH-PA66W-BK 117-05360
Cable tie with edge clip eliminates the need for drilling mounting holes, simplifying installation.
T50REC5B-PA66UV/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00468
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50REC5B-PA66UV/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00468
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T120MR-PA66-BK 113-00011
1000 pcs.
Blue (BU) T30R-PA66-BU 111-03036
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T50L(US)-PA12-BK 111-01561
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) TY8G1S-PA66-NA 151-11819
100 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT8S-SS316L-ML 111-93089
FT6LG CC-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-01838
500 pcs.
Black (BK) FT6LG CC-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-01838
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T18R-PA66HS-BK 111-01950
100 pcs.
Blue (BU) T50R-E/TFE-BU 111-00732
Cable tie with edge clip eliminates the need for drilling mounting holes, simplifying installation.
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50REC4B-PA66HIRHSUVR5/PA66HIRHSUV-BK 156-02229
Cable tie with edge clip eliminates the need for drilling mounting holes, simplifying installation.
T50REC19-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00537
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50REC19-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00537
50 pcs.
Black (BK) T120RSM-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 157-01300
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T50L-PA66HS-BK 111-05471
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) CTT60R-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 112-52109
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T120R-PA66-BK 111-12009
T50ROSEC4B-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-76079
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSEC4B-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 150-76079
50 pcs.
Natural (NA) KR8/43-PA66HS-NA 121-74359
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SOSSFT6.5E-MDL-PA66HS-BK 156-00264
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T18R-PA66HSW-BK 111-01199
RT18RSF-PA66HSUV-BK 115-00063
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
100 pcs.
Black (BK) RT18RSF-PA66HSUV-BK 115-00063
Source products are manufactured with plastics recovered from recycled waste or marine environments, derived from renewable plant-based sources, or use materials with lower equivalent emissions. HellermannTyton also offers product solutions that – by design – reduce waste or support reusability and recyclability.<BR>Sustainable by design focuses on product solutions that reduce waste, improve longevity or support subsequent reuse and recyclability.
500 pcs.
Black (BK) SOC5FT6S-PA66HIRHS-BK 151-01329
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSEC5B-PA66W-BK 156-00698
500 pcs.
Black (BK), Grey (GY) T30RFT5-PA66HS-BK/GY 150-55940
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) TY3G1S-PA66-NA 151-11319
100 pcs.
Metal (ML) MBT14S-SS316L-ML 111-93149
50 pcs.
Black (BK) KR8/33-PA66UV-BK 121-83360
100 pcs.
White (WH) T30R-PA66V0-WH 111-93019
T50L-PA46 114-05679
100 pcs.
T50L-PA46 114-05679
1000 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSFT612.5SO-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 157-00216
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T80I-PA66-BK 111-08210
100 pcs.
Black (BK) T50MR-PA66-BK 113-05000
25 pcs.
Black (BK) T250M-PA66HIRHSUV-BK 111-01196
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50REC4A-PP/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00564
Two piece assembly allows the edge clip to slide along the cable tie strap to ensure proper orientation.
T50ROSEC9-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-05903
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSEC9-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-05903
100 pcs.
Black (BK) PMB5-PA66HS-BK 151-02255
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50SOSSBS5E-2-PA66HS-BK 157-00252
Fixing tie for multiple routing and post-installation of bundles.
Bracket brake line-PA66HS-NA 148-00100
500 pcs.
Natural (NA) Bracket brake line-PA66HS-NA 148-00100
1000 pcs.
Natural (NA) T18R-PA66HS-NA 111-00541
100 pcs.
Natural (NA) LK2A-PA66-NA 111-60119
Two piece assembly allows the edge clip to slide along the cable tie strap to ensure proper orientation.
T50ROSEC24-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00878
500 pcs.
Black (BK) T50ROSEC24-PA66HS/PA66HIRHS-BK 156-00878

Cable Ties and Fixings

HellermannTyton offers a wide range of high-quality cable ties and fixings, including various types of cable ties such as standard, releasable, heavy-duty and detectable zip ties. HellermannTyton cable ties withstand the most extreme environmental conditions and fulfill the most up to date requirements for cable ties and cable tie systems. Zip ties are offten developed in close cooperation with customers, always trying to go beyond technological limitations.